Mock SOQL results in Unit Tests.
You need to mock external objects.
In Apex tests, use dynamic SOQL to query external objects. Tests that perform static SOQL queries of external objects fail. ~ Salesforce
Mock Single Record
Set mocking ID in Query declaration.
public with sharing class ExampleController {
public static List<Account> getAccountByName(String accountName) {
return AccountSelector.query()
Pass single SObject record to SOQL class, and use mock ID to target query to be mocked.
public class ExampleControllerTest {
private static final String TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME = 'MyAccount 1';
static void getAccountByName() {
SOQL.setMock('ExampleController.getAccountByName', new Account(Name = TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME));
Account result = (Account) ExampleController.getAccountByName(TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME);
Assert.areEqual(TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME, result.Name);
During execution Selector will return record that was set by .setMock
Mock Multiple Records
Set mocking ID in Query declaration.
public with sharing class ExampleController {
public static List<Account> getPartnerAccounts(String accountName) {
return AccountSelector.query()
Pass List of SObject records to SOQL class, and use mock ID to target query to be mocked.
public class ExampleControllerTest {
static void getPartnerAccounts() {
List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>{
new Account(Name = 'MyAccount 1'),
new Account(Name = 'MyAccount 2')
SOQL.setMock('ExampleController.getPartnerAccounts', accounts);
List<Account> result = ExampleController.getPartnerAccounts('MyAccount');
Assert.areEqual(accounts, result);
During execution Selector will return List of records that was set by .setMock
Mock Count Result
Set mocking ID in Query declaration.
public with sharing class ExampleController {
public static List<Account> getPartnerAccountsCount(String accountName) {
return AccountSelector.query()
Pass Integer value to SOQL class, and use mock ID to target query to be mocked.
public class ExampleControllerTest {
private static final Integer TEST_VALUE = 5;
static void getPartnerAccountsCount() {
SOQL.setMock('ExampleController.getPartnerAccountsCount', TEST_VALUE);
Integer result = ExampleController.getPartnerAccounts('MyAccount');
Assert.areEqual(TEST_VALUE, result);
During execution Selector will return Integer count that was set by .setMock
Mock with Static Resource
Set mocking ID in Query declaration.
public with sharing class ExampleController {
public static List<Account> getPartnerAccounts(String accountName) {
return AccountSelector.query()
Pass String value with name of Static Resource file with .csv
records, and use mock ID to target query to be mocked.
public class ExampleControllerTest {
static void getPartnerAccounts() {
SOQL.setMock('ExampleController.getPartnerAccounts', 'MyAccounts');
List<Account> result = ExampleController.getPartnerAccounts('MyAccount');
During execution Selector will return records from Static Resource that was set by .setMock